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2019 B2B and B2C Content Marketing Statistics

2019 B2B and B2C Content Marketing Statistics

It’s time for our annual content marketing statistics infographic!

Thanks to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketers everywhere have a chance to look at trends, changes, and predictions for this field of online marketing in both B2B and B2C areas of business.

Their extensive research offers valuable insight on what marketers around the world have used in their campaigns, how they allocated their budgets, and what are their plans for 2019. You can imagine how much information that is!

That’s why we are creating an infographic every year (2018, 2017) – to visualize all that data and make it easier to focus on the important things and build our own plans for the upcoming year.

What will 2019 bring? Well, marketers will continue investing more in content marketing which is to be expected since it’s definitely here to stay (in case you still weren’t sure!). We expect more interactive content as well as user-generated content and continuing use of storytelling.

Without further ado, here are the content marketing stats for 2019 you've been looking for.

If you love this infographic, check our infographic portfolio for more inspiration. And if you want such an awesome infographic for your blog, reach out and tell us about your project.

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